Grant Botma is a people person. More specifically, he is into creating the best culture and experience for his employees. In this episode, Grant shares his One Big Tip about how he brings his vision of company culture to life and how it benefits him as well as his employees.
Creating a Company Culture
Grant had a passion in mind when he founded his company, Stewardship, which was helping people with money and financial advice. His company does just that by giving home loans, investment advice, and insurance all from one place “with wisdom and love,” as he puts it. His vision for, and now the heart of the company was “to create a place where people could get the absolute best financial situation, whether they knew it or not.”
But he didn’t only want to make an impact with customers and clients, he saw potential in reaching the lives of his employees in creating an encouraging workplace culture where both the employer and employees could thrive. To achieve this goal, his One Big Tip is simply this: “put yourself in the shoes of your team and serve them.” Grant states that if you are listening to and providing for the needs of your workers in this way, “then they will serve and care for your customers and your business.”
Going Above and Beyond
Serving your team can be done in many different ways. Grant sees this as setting an example, not only as a visionary but also as what he calls a ‘listenary’ by listening and being attentive to the needs of his team. He has exemplified this through methods such as sending his team personalized care packages as well as searching for fun activities and equipment for them to use to spend fun nights together with their family while in quarantine.
Furthermore, Grant goes above and beyond to ensure his employees feel good about both their work and their worth in the company. This is vital for him, as he has begun to understand that “one of the things that's more motivating than money is affirmation,” because people want to know that they’re doing a good job. Grant aims to create an environment where he communicates feedback and affirmation of hard work to his employees, as well as their families and others that do not see the efforts they put forth at work. That affirmation is a proven motivator which, along with listening to their needs, creates a safe and caring company atmosphere that further increases the confidence and performance of the employees.
To learn more about Grant’s vision and tips for company culture, you can find him on Instagram under the handle @grantbotma, visit him on his website, or you can also check out his bestselling book on this topic called, The Problem Isn’t Their Paycheck, which can be found on Amazon, Audible, in paper copy, and other formats.