E74 - Ken Wentworth | Founder - Mr. Biz Solutions - Jeff Mendelson | Automation Superhero

E74 – Ken Wentworth | Founder – Mr. Biz Solutions

An author, podcaster, and a fractional CFO, Ken “Mr. Biz” Wentworth has a wealth of financial and business knowledge that he uses to help and educate clients. Though life can often be busy, Ken shares his One Big Tip on how he successfully keeps track of his goals through analog methods in an increasingly digital world.

Success Is in the Book

Ken puts his business skills to work as a fractional CFO, in which he helps out companies that are growing and creating a product, but need business expertise. In this situation, he works as a part time or “fractional” CFO for the company for whatever period of time they need. Some of the insights he is able to share with these companies come from his two books called Pathway to Profits and How to Be a Cash Flow Pro

The ideas for these books came slowly over time as he accumulated tips on how to increase cash flow and profits. Eventually he ended up with a long PDF of information that he published as a book, How to Be a Cash Flow Pro, on Amazon, at the suggestion of his brother. These ideas and tips had an impact on a British writer who posted an article recommending Ken’s book and others as essential reads for growing your business. After that, sales for the book took off without warning and it became a bestseller. 

Analog Goalkeeping

While the success of Ken’s book was unexpected, he is always working to complete other goals in the same way. His One Big Tip to keep yourself motivated and working towards that goal is to keep track of your progress using the old-school method of a notebook small enough to fit into a shirt pocket that is dedicated to the progress of one major goal.

To begin, he advises writing the date chronologically on every page so that you can “at the end of every day, write down at least three things you did that day to move closer to the goal.” Ken even recommends giving the goal a catchy name such as “50 by Cinco” which was his goal of selling $50,000 of his online course by Cinco de Mayo. It shouldn’t be overwhelming either as he states that “it’s only one goal, so hold yourself accountable each and every day.” 

By using this method, you will also find accountability in the people around you who may ask about the notebook, helping you stay dedicated to completing that goal. Of course, not every day will be perfect and you may hit a lull or low point in your journey. This is where the record of daily actions comes into play as he encourages people to “flip back to the pages you’ve already completed, and see the actions you’ve already taken towards that goal.”

To learn more about Ken’s business tips, you can visit his website www.mrbizsolutions.com or find him on Facebook and LinkedIn under Mr. Biz Solutions. You can also find him on other social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube at Mr. Biz.