I talk with interesting and compelling guests where you will drop your "ONE BIG TIP" value-bomb; something that you are using TODAY in your business to scale-up, take action and kill it in your space.

PLEASE NOTE: I am currently recording podcasts that will air 7+ months from now due to popular demand.

Do you have a time sensitive offer or launch that NEEDS to be aired earlier? Please let me know. I am offering a "Jump the Line" service for $300. Then I will ensure that your podcast episode airs within 2-3 weeks guaranteed.

Best Practices:

  • The best way to prepare is to listen to a few episodes to get a feel for the flow
  • While no two episodes are alike, the format is consistent in terms of questioning
  • You will have a brief "warm up" before the recording begins. It's not live and the episodes are edited, so have fun!

Interview Questions

The format is simple. I'm going to ask you (with some variations) these questions. We may expand on your answers during the interview, so there is room for improvising:

Q1: Tell me who you are and what makes you so awesome?

Q2: THE BIG TIP: What golden nugget, secret nuclear weapon, or ninja tactic can you share. Your ONE BIG TIP IS:

  • An app: Slack, Teamwork and how you use them in your business.
  • A unique tool: An iPad with X, Y, and Z apps that resolve a specific and definable problem in my business.
  • A process: Standard procedures, known management methodologies, etc.

Your big tip IS NOT: An intangible, an idea, or abstract concept. I.e. “Be confident” is not a tip. Your tip should be concrete, definable, and readily available to the public.

Q3: Tell us where we can find your product or service.