THE ONE BIG TIP PODCAST - Page 47 of 53 - Jeff Mendelson | Automation Superhero


I'll tell you. And for me, this comes from a very giving place...

I'm a firm believer in Pay It Forward. I recognize that you are looking for that one golden nugget, that one piece of advice, or maybe that one little push which will propel your business to the next level (or even many levels).

So I created this podcast in order to help you easily meet interesting people, established entrepreneurs, and gather all of those tools and tips into one interesting place. My goal is to help you scale, organize and find the explosive growth that you need to jump to the next level.

What is the One Big Tip?

Everyone has this one secret that no one tells. The one secret tactic, treasured app, or hard-learned process that is singularly responsible for allowing them to shine.

In the podcast, you will hear how action-takers who are in the trenches rise above and demonstrate excellence in their craft. Through our candid interview, we will talk about what these tactics are, and how they are used to gain more customers and live the life that they are meant to live.

An example can be any one or combination of:

  • The one thing that I do every day to be effective
  • That one app that I use to make incredible content
  • What process I use to land more clients

Please join me on this journey to learn more and rise above together.

August 7, 2020

E47 – Anthony Park / Executor and Estate Attorney

For Anthony Park, the best way to manage your time and energy with clients is by setting communications boundaries. His One Big Tip is to make your schedule asynchronous as you communicate with clients and to provide information more efficiently by using technology to your advantage.
August 4, 2020

E46 – Nelson Toriano / CEO of Coach Nelly Toriano

Becoming the CEO of your own business is no small achievement, and there’s a lot to consider when it comes to taking that step. By following Nelson Toriano’s One Big Tip to accurately record and manage your money, you can become better equipped to build up and sustain your own business in the future.
July 28, 2020

E44 – Angela Marshall / Founder In Other Words by Stone

Angela Marshall considers herself to be a mental horticulturalist, someone who plants seeds of positive energy in the minds of the people she meets and works with. This approach to both business and personal relationships is her One Big Tip for growing your personal brand and making better connections.
July 17, 2020

E41 – Damion Lupo / Chief Honey Badger at Financial Underdogs

Most of us let life dictate how things will go, but never stop to consider how we can dictate how life will go. Damion Lupo knows you can’t control everything, but you don’t have to take a passive approach to life’s big decisions. Check out his One Big Tip on being financially fearless.