One Big Tip Episodes Archives - Page 44 of 53 - Jeff Mendelson | Automation Superhero


I'll tell you. And for me, this comes from a very giving place...

I'm a firm believer in Pay It Forward. I recognize that you are looking for that one golden nugget, that one piece of advice, or maybe that one little push which will propel your business to the next level (or even many levels).

So I created this podcast in order to help you easily meet interesting people, established entrepreneurs, and gather all of those tools and tips into one interesting place. My goal is to help you scale, organize and find the explosive growth that you need to jump to the next level.

What is the One Big Tip?

Everyone has this one secret that no one tells. The one secret tactic, treasured app, or hard-learned process that is singularly responsible for allowing them to shine.

In the podcast, you will hear how action-takers who are in the trenches rise above and demonstrate excellence in their craft. Through our candid interview, we will talk about what these tactics are, and how they are used to gain more customers and live the life that they are meant to live.

An example can be any one or combination of:

  • The one thing that I do every day to be effective
  • That one app that I use to make incredible content
  • What process I use to land more clients

Please join me on this journey to learn more and rise above together.

October 13, 2020

E66 – Leigh Rust / CoFounder of Safetyline Jalousie Louvre Windows

Leigh Rust owns a successful manufacturing business, runs marathons, trains as an MMA fighter, and also has time for his wife and children. Wearing several different hats simultaneously might seem daunting for some, but Leigh has found a time management system that lets him see things through.
October 9, 2020

E65 – Mark Struczewski / Mr. Productivity

When you’re running a business or working on a large project, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by all the work that needs to be done. Mark Struczewski has learned that breaking vague tasks into specific ones and then scheduling them out into time slots throughout the day is the best way to make the most of each hour you’re given.
October 6, 2020

E64 – Joe Martinez / Director of Client Strategy at Clix Marketing

Joe Martinez is no stranger to providing excellent marketing advice for those looking to advertise on various online platforms. His One Big Tip is to take full advantage of YouTube ads through Google’s Video Builder tool and create effective PPC ads that will reach more people and bring more traffic to your site.
October 2, 2020

E63 – Jack Perez / CEO & Founder at Kuel Life

Jack Perez has created a supportive online community through her company Kuel Life for women approaching their midlife stage. Her One Big Tip to keep herself organized and strategize for the future is by batch processing her tasks to stay focused and to efficiently work with her current mindset.
September 29, 2020

E62 – Eugene Yiga / Marketing and Creative Consultant

As a successful writer and marketing consultant, Eugene Yiga has spent years working hard and figuring out the best methods to build up his career. His One Big Tip is to create checklists for everything you do in order to stay organized and save your mental space for more important tasks.
September 25, 2020

E61 – Trevor Lohrbeer / Founder of Day Optimizer

Trevor Lohrbeer understands that task management can’t be successful without time management. His One Big Tip is to better focus and optimize your day by committing to specific tasks, allocating sufficient time to spend on them, and scheduling things appropriately throughout your day.
September 22, 2020

E60 – Lauren Gall & Melanie Ammerman / Co-Founders of VaVa Virtual Assistants

Over the years of building up their company, Lauren Gall and Melanie Ammerman understand the qualities of a good virtual assistant. They also know how VAs can best benefit your business through their One Big Tip of proper delegation and communication.